Week 10
Task List:
- plan out paper and citations
- redesign website
- upload remaining journal entries
Making this website. I spent so long making this website. I finally got the categories and navigation working after several hours of reading through different docs, posts, and templates. I still have not figured out how to get some of the posts to navigate in a way that makes sense for the format for these journal entries. I just realized after all these posts, it would be way better if I had a “previous” and “next” button. Update: I had the wrong layout set for my journal posts. It is fixed.
I struggled to figure out what my research paper was supposed to look like. I looked at the DREU archives to see how other people did theirs. I felt a little better because I thought I would have to have it at the level of understanding of a published paper with every reference in the proper technical paper citation format, which I am still unfamiliar with. I ended up trying my best to emulate an actual conference research paper anyway. I looked at the resources that the DREU organizers posted and found other resources to give me guidance on what type of prompt I should follow. I was pretty difficult since my research progress had a lot of constraints due to time, availbitity of equipment, and a quiet place to work and in-person guidance/supervision.
Resources used this week:
- minimal mistakes jekyll theme
- jekyll docs
- IEEE citation documentation manual
Next Steps:
- begin experiment with sarcasm dataset
- meet with mentors for Chapter 10 questions