Task List:

  • determine which dataset to use
  • read the comments on kaggle and see they posted as their started
  • learn plotly to display the graphs
  • look at roadmap (updated)
  • read rashaim’s paper.
  • later: look for code that is python based - tensorflow, keras


My mentors told me to look into datasets on kaggle that I was interested in and read through them to find how the currently posted solutions had performed to see if they could be used as a starting point for my research. I had some struggles remembering how to install dependecies from within the notebook and how to use bash commands to clean data, as I learned in the “Python for Data Science” course when I was practicing using what I had learned on real datasets.

I started reading the plotly documetation and went through tutorials and took notes in my jupyter notebook. The tutorial post I was following was using an old version on plotly, so I had trouble importing the libraries that had apparently been deprecated. I also couldn’t figure out how to embed the graphs into the notebook, but an html was generated. During my meeting with Dr Bein, I found out that I had attempted to learn plotly in more detail than was required of me. I was trying to understand all the different types of graphs instead of just the ones that would be useful to me during my research.

Resources used this week:

  • kaggle datasets
  • plotly documentation

Next Steps:
